Storm Water Management in California
Oasis Associates is pleased to announce that Michael Cripe and Bryan Balling have both successfully passed the required state examination for QSD / QSP providers (Michael – QSD, and Bryan – QSP).
Pursuant to State Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ and 2010-0014-DWQ, most projects resulting in the disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre must prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and as of September 1, 2011, all SWPPPs must be prepared by a Qualified Stormwater Developer (QSD) and implemented by a Qualified Stormwater Practitioner (QSP).
For additional information, to see if your project is exempt or required to prepare a SWPPP, contact Oasis Associates.
Stopping the Spread of Pollution
Water runoff from our cities, highways, industrial facilities and construction sites can carry pollutants that harm water quality and impair the beneficial uses of our waters – beneficial uses that belong to all Californians and entrusted to us to protect. For nearly two decades, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and the US Environmental Protection Agency have regulated the runoff and treatment of storm water in industrial, municipal and residential areas of California. The effort falls into several distinct categories with the same goal to use storm water as a resource and to reduce harmful pollutants, fertilizers, debris and other materials carried into storm drains, drainage systems and ultimately our rivers, lakes, and ocean.
While early program efforts focused on controlling pollutants and implementing good management practices, the program is now also emphasizing holistic strategies aimed at not only preventing problems but providing many community benefits. Storm water is an important resource and Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure techniques are now capitalizing on opportunities in California. The goal is to capture the water that runs off concrete and non-permeable surfaces and use it, for example, to water trees, plants and other living things on the same plot of land from which it would flow away. Groundwater supplies are replenished, too, and the amount of pollutants that flow into our waterways is reduced.
For additional information on Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and requirements, please go to the State Water Resources Control Board’s website at www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterissues/programs/stormwater/.