City of Pismo Beach
Price Canyon Investments, LLC
Year Completed:
General Plan Amendment
Vesting Tentative Tract Map
The PCI Annexation project is one of four properties totaling 1,700 acres proposed to be annexed to the City of Pismo Beach. Price Canyon Investments enlisted Oasis Associates, Inc. to represent the project and coordinate weekly meetings with the City and their consultants to analyze and prepare an environmental and constraints analysis and ultimately an Environmental Impact Report. The proposed project consists of multiple components: variety of residential development, a golf course, agriculture, and visitor serving uses. Each aspect of the project highly emphasizes the preservation of the unique biological and visual attributes of the properties, while also adhering to the “Guiding Principles of Smart Growth” outlined by the County of San Luis Obispo.
Circumstances Unique to the Project:
- Coordination and collaboration among multiple property owners, the City of Pismo Beach, and other interrelated regulatory agencies to annex 1,700 acres into the City of Pismo Beach.
- Biologically and visually rich properties.