County of San Luis Obispo
Avila Grocery, LLC
Year Completed:
Conditional Use Permit
Located on Front Street across from the beach, the Avila Grocery presented a unique challenge. Deemed a historic resource, this building, among others, was moved off site during UNOCAL’s “Big Dig” and ultimately replaced in its original location. While modified over time, the building nonetheless retained the majority of its historic integrity. Oasis Associates, Inc. was retained to coordinate the consultant team to rehabilitate the historic grocery store and add a new second floor residential component consisting of two units. Read more about this historic building and others in Avila, a Glimpse of Yesterday, Janet Farris (Central Coast Press, 2003).
Circumstances Unique to the Project:
- Historically significant structure
- Compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards
- Compliance with the Avila Beach Specific Plan