Buckley Self-Storage

County of San Luis Obispo

HS Buckley, LLC

Year Completed:

Conditional Use Permit
Consistency with the County Airport Land Use Plan


HS Buckley, LLC retained Oasis Associates, Inc. to manage the entitlement process and consultant team coordination for development of a new self-storage center. While zoned for industrial type uses, a Conditional Use Permit was required due to the proposed building size and area of disturbance. The self-storage center was designed to provide an attractive, safe, and secure facility to meet the personal storage needs of businesses and residences in the community. Considerations included consistency with the County’s Airport Land Use Plan and with the County Land Use Ordinance development standards. Looking to the historical agricultural surrounding for design inspiration, a homestead agrarian style architecture was used to enhance the office and access way, including a stone monument sign and water tower feature near the project site entrance.

Circumstances Unique to the Project:

  • Property located in sphere of the County’s Airport Land Use Plan, necessitating a number of appearances before the Airport Land Use Commission
  • Technical and environmental analyses required
  • Design considerations to blend with natural agricultural area setting
