City of San Luis Obispo
Westpac Investments - DeVaul Ranch, LLC
Year Completed:
General Plan Amendment
Vesting Tentative Tract Map
Westpac Investments – DeVaul Ranch, LLC enlisted Oasis Associates, Inc. to coordinate the design of the project with the consultant team and help guide the project through the entitlement process. De Tolosa Ranch Homes Planned Development (PD) was annexed to the City of San Luis Obispo in 1999. The PD included 216 total acres, with 29 acres comprising single family, patio, and duplex units and an apartment complex. Unique features of the PD include the rehabilitation of the historic De Vaul Ranch House, dedication of 184-acres of permanent open space, and a three (3) acre neighborhood park.
Circumstances Unique to the Project:
- Major annexation to City of San Luis Obispo, with substantial public outreach.
- Preservation of the historic De Vaul Ranch House pursuant to the Secretary of the Interior Standards.
- Substantial public outreach and community involvement.
- Improvements to Madonna Road and Los Osos Valley Road.
- Off-site biological mitigation of Condon’s Tarplant at Laguna Lake Park.