County of San Luis Obispo
A. Terry Speizer
Year Completed:
Conditional Use Permit
Army Corps of Engineers Nation-wide Permit
California Department of Fish and Game Stream Alteration Permit
Regional Water Quality Control Board 404 Permit
The client enlisted the services of Oasis Associates, Inc. in order to entitle the winery and manage the consultant team. The Domaine Alfred Winery included a 32,706 square foot commercial winery building and a 2,850 square foot hospitality building for wine tasting and public events.
Circumstances Unique to the Project:
- Neighborhood compatibility issues required substantial public outreach with residents in rural subdivisions (Tiffany Ranch Road and Edna Estates) adjacent to the project.
- Obtained permits from the Army Corps of Engineers in order to enhance a man-made drainage swale adjacent to Orcutt Road.