East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan

City of Arroyo Grande

NKT Development, LLC; Mangano Homes; Arroyo Grande Valley Japanese Welfare Association (original land use entitlements); Wathen Castanos Homes (home builder)

Year Completed:

-General Plan Amendment
-Specific Plan + Design Guidelines
-Vesting Tentative Tract Map
-Conditional Use Permit
-Development Code Amendment
-Planning Commission and City Council approvals


The East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan area included properties under three separate ownerships with a combined acreage of 15.2± acres, all located within the city limits of the City of Arroyo Grande. While the Specific Plan encompassed a relatively small physical area, it included a variety of proposed land uses allowed within the specified land use zones – both existing and proposed, and provided the framework for future development and expanded upon and clarified the City of Arroyo Grande’s vision for the subject properties –  residential, commercial,  and visitor-serving components.

Circumstances Unique to the Project:

  • Conversion of and mitigation for agricultural conversion
  • Specific Plan preparation with extremely diverse property owners/uses
  • Substantial public outreach to existing neighborhoods
