Jespersen Ranch

County of San Luis Obispo

Jespersen Ranch, LLC

Year Completed:

Vesting Tentative Tract Map
Conditional Use Permit


Jespersen Ranch, LLC retained Oasis Associates, Inc. to entitle a 121-acre major agriculture cluster subdivision that included six (6) one acre residential lots and one (1) 115-acre lot dedicated to productive agriculture and open space. Using the guidelines set forth in the County’s Agriculture Cluster Ordinance the project maintained the economic viability and operations of the agricultural processes, while adding value to the property in the form of sellable residential lots. Please refer to the “White Papers” section for a case study specific to this project.

Circumstances Unique to the Project:

  • One of very few major agriculture cluster subdivision projects to be approved.
  • Proximity to the City of San Luis Obispo.
  • Agriculture / Open Space Easement Agreement.
  • Substantial public outreach and community involvement.
  • 115 Acres into Williamson Act Contract.
