Long Bonetti Ranch

City of San Luis Obispo

Long Bonetti Ranch, LLC

Year Completed:

Specific Plan Amendment
Use Permit


The Long Bonetti Ranch is a designated historic resource in San Luis Obispo with intact original structures including the ranch house, barn, water tower, granary and other ranch structures. The project is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of South Higuera Street and Tank Farm Road.  Long Bonetti Ranch, LLC retained Oasis Associates, Inc. as project manager to guide the project through the process of retaining, rehabilitating and adaptively reusing the historic structures along with adding new commercial buildings.  The modern agrarian architecture of the new buildings will provide for new commercial development and not overshadow the important historic architecture of the existing ranch structures. With the addition of the new structures, the project includes approximately 40,000 square feet of commercial retail space.

Circumstances Unique to the Project:

  • Substantial public outreach and community involvement.
  • Retention, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of existing historic resources.
