Pacific Courtyards

City of San Luis Obispo

Mission Medical Partners, LLC

Year Completed:

Vesting Tentative Tract Map
Conditional Use Permit
Building Permit


The Pacific Courtyards mixed-use, infill project – 8,800 square feet office and 14,000 square feet residential is located on the existing surface parking lot between Pacific and Pismo Streets and Osos and Morro Streets, adjacent to an historic church.  Mission Medical Partners, LLC enlisted the planning expertise of Oasis Associates, Inc. to facilitate the project through the entitlement process.

Circumstances Unique to the Project:

  • Adjacent to historical structures – Seventh Day Adventist Church
  • Infill, mixed-use, and smart growth project located within the downtown core
  • Located within a FEMA flood zone
  • Subterranean parking
  • Substantial coordination with PG&E for underground utility lines
  • Ongoing public outreach and community involvement
